Katy is a mother of five and holds a Master of Human Services Counseling with a focus on Crisis and Trauma. Her Bachelor of Science was earned in Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in Counseling and Religion. Katy's journey through life has been deeply shaped by her faith, especially in realizing that the often-quoted phrase, "God doesn’t give us more than we can handle," doesn't fully capture the reality of life’s challenges. As she grew older, Katy discovered that, in fact, life frequently presents us with more than we can handle on our own. These moments are not meant to test our individual strength, but rather to draw us closer to God, encouraging us to depend on His power rather than our own.

This profound understanding became particularly clear during some of the darkest periods of her life. Katy has witnessed the depths of despair as a foster parent, seeing firsthand the unimaginable experiences many children endure. She has faced the heartache of adopting children who have survived traumas that would be unbearable for most adults. In addition, she has navigated the pain of losing loved ones, the uncertainty of job loss, the instability of losing a home, and the fear of financial insecurity. The year she nearly lost both her mother to a devastating stroke and her husband to a life-altering accident was a particularly harrowing time. Yet, in each of these moments, God’s presence and strength became her refuge and guide.

Katy has learned that in every instance of darkness, God has shown up powerfully, lifting her eyes to see Him clearly and teaching her to depend fully on His might. Through these experiences, she has come to cherish Hebrews 11:1, which says, "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." This verse has become her anchor, sustaining her through even the most challenging times.

These life experiences and the wisdom gained from them are why Katy knows that God has called her to help others find their way out of their own dark places. She firmly believes that if God could bring her through such trials, He can do the same for anyone. The scars from these experiences are not something she hides; rather, she wears them proudly as badges of courage and testimony to God’s faithfulness.

Katy invites others to consider the areas in their lives where God might be preparing to transform their struggles into successes. She believes that everyone deserves to experience this transformation, and she is committed to walking alongside others, with God, to help them realize the badges of courage that await them. Together, through faith and determination, these victories can become a reality.